EU: Military should have no political role in Egypt

EU Foreign Ministers at their meeting in Brussels on Monday called on Egypt’s army to stand aside and allow a peaceful transition to civilian rule after ousting Mohamed Morsi earlier this month. Expressing deep concern over developments in Egypt, the ministers said "the armed forces should not play a political role in a democracy", instead, they "must accept and respect the constitutional authority of civilian power as a basic principle". The ministers said it is now of utmost importance that Egypt embarks on a transition, allowing a transfer of power to a civilian-led and democratically elected government.

EU: Military should have no political role in Egypt - ảnh 1
Army soldiers take their positions on the bridge towards members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mursi standing guard around Cairo University and Nahdet Misr Square in Giza. (Photo: Reuters)

EU Foreign Ministers also called for an end to politically motivated arrests and the release of all political detainees, including overthrown Morsi.

