EU, US adopt framework to lift sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – On Sunday US President Barak Obama ordered US Secretary of State John Kerry and the US Treasury Department to start preparing to lift sanctions against Iran on Adoption Day for the nuclear deal signed in July to restrain Iran’s nuclear deal.

EU, US adopt framework to lift sanctions on Iran  - ảnh 1
US President Barack Obama addresses a joint news conference with Republic of Korea's President Park Geun-hye in the East Room of the White House in Washington October 16.
(Photo: Reuters)

A spokesperson for Mr. Kerry said lifting sanctions is just a formality, which will take effect when the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies that Iran is honoring commitments to limit its nuclear program by reducing enriched uranium, dismantling two thirds of its nuclear fuel bars, and halting construction of new facilities. White House officials and EU diplomats say the sanctions will actually come off 4 to 6 months after Adoption Day.
The EU has adopted a legal framework for waiving sanctions although this framework will take effect only after Iran implements the nuclear-related commitments reached in July.  

