Fiscal policies rolled out to support economic recovery and development

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Finance will roll out incentive-oriented fiscal policies to support economic recovery and development in the last six months of this year, said the Ministry at a meeting to review the State financial and budget performance in Hanoi on Thursday.
Fiscal policies rolled out to support economic recovery and development - ảnh 1At the meeting

In the first half of this year, the Ministry proactively implemented drastic fiscal policies and ensured a balance of resources for the socio-economic recovery and development program.

Budget spending was implemented on schedule, meeting the demand for socio-economic development, national defense, state management and social security. Balances of state and local budget were also ensured.

Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc said: “We will focus on tackling legal difficulties for businesses, relax taxes, and reduce fees and land rental charges to help businesses recover and grow. We will also boost the financial market to create resources for businesses and combine fiscal and monetary policies promptly to realize the economic growth targets in the last six months of this year.”

