Former US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel admits Iraq is a mistake

(VOVworld) - Former US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel has said that the 2003 Iraq invasion was a mistake and that President Saddam Hussein was initially no great threat to the US.

Former US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel admits Iraq is a mistake - ảnh 1
Former US Secretary of Defence Chuck Hagel (Photo:

In an interview with the Khaleej Times newspaper, Mr. Hagel said that the destruction of the institutions of Iraq, the Ba'ath Party and the military and imposing new institutions to build a US-style modern democracy in Iraq was completely wrong. This mistake led to instability in the region, including Syria and Libya and resulted in ethnic conflicts, civil war, declining economies and the spread of international terrorist groups. Mr. Hagel said that the US and the West should promote human rights and democratic values and principles and shouldn’t impose democracy on a country.

