France rejects expulsion order by Niger’s junta

(VOVWORLD) - France’s Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs on Friday rejected a recent request by Niger’s junta for French ambassador Sylvain Itte to leave the country within 48 hours, saying that “only legitimate elected Nigerien authorities” have a say about the fate of its ambassador.
France rejects expulsion order by Niger’s junta  - ảnh 1Supporters of Niger's junta gather at a French military base in Niamey on August 11, 2023. (Photo: Mahamadou Hamidou/Reuters)

A previous statement by the junta-appointed foreign ministry said the decision to expel the ambassador was a response to actions taken by the French government that were “contrary to the interests of Niger.” It said these included the envoy’s refusal to respond to an invitation to meet Niger’s new foreign minister.

The junta previously accused France of plotting a military intervention in Niger to reinstate ousted Nigerian President Mohamed Bazoum and manipulated the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), whose members include former French colonies, to this end.

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