Government reviews collecting public comments on constitutional revisions

Government reviews collecting public comments on constitutional revisions - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The government held an online conference in Hanoi on Wednesday to review the initial results of the gathering of public comments for the revised 1992 Constitution. To date, 54 cities and provinces and 17 ministries, ministerial and government agencies have sent in reports on the collection of these comments. In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc praised the ministries and sectors for seriously, creatively and widely implementing this campaign. Deputy Prime Minister Phuc said: “The ministries and sectors need to fully and honestly collect people’s opinions. In the reports, it is necessary to evaluate the many complicated issues that have received a range of responses. We need to take advantage of the comments made by scientists, managers and other experts and thereby ensuring that the Constitution covers all the major issues in society”.

Mr. Phuc said that the collection of public comments on the constitutional changes would continue until the end of this year. 

