Greater administrative reform effort needed

(VOVWORLD) - Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung has described administrative reform and business environment improvement one of the government’s key tasks.
Greater administrative reform effort needed - ảnh 1 Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung speaks at the online-conference (Photo: Gia Huy/VGP)

Minister Dung chaired an online conference on Tuesday in which 63 localities discussed the implementation of the one-stop-shop mechanism at all levels.

He noted that thanks to the government and the Prime Minister’s resolute direction and effective actions of sectors and localities, Vietnam’s business environment has moved up 3 spots, now ranking 69th  of 190 countries and territories, according to international surveys.

But Minister Dung called for more strenuous efforts: “Despite achievements in improving the investment environment and cutting business regulations and special inspection procedures, performance has yet to meet the targets set by the Government and the Prime Minister, so this year, agencies and localities should do better jobs.”

