Hanoi tightens monkeypox prevention among high-risk groups

(VOVWORLD) - The Hanoi municipal People’s Committee has adopted a plan on monkeypox prevention and control with 4 scenarios. 
Hanoi tightens monkeypox prevention among high-risk groups - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Reuters/VNA)

In the first scenario with no cases of monkeypox, the city will fine-tune the steering committee for human disease prevention and control, review all necessary medical equipment and materials, and check the temperature of all entrants at Noi Bai International Airport.

In a level-2 scenario with imported cases but no secondary infections, response teams will fight against epidemics at all levels, urgently investigating and tracing all contact cases, and promptly managing the outbreak to prevent the disease from spreading to the community.

In the scenario of level 3 with prevalence reported in the community but not widely, the city will organize investigation and zoning and thoroughly handle the outbreak.

At level 4, when the disease spreads widely in the community, the city will mobilize maximum resources to participate in epidemic response activities.

