Hanoi urged to consolidate national unity

(VOVworld) – The 14th congress of the Fatherland Front of Hai Ba Trung district in Hanoi opened on Tuesday. Hai Ba Trung was the first district in the capital city to hold a fatherland front congress in the lead up to the 8th congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in September.

Hanoi urged to consolidate national unity - ảnh 1

In his address, the Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Nguyen Thien Nhan said that the 2013 constitution continued to uphold the Front’s role in social response and supervision. He added that fatherland fronts at all levels should continue to examine their performance to better serve national construction and defense in the new era: “I ask Hanoi’s Fatherland Front and that of Hai Ba Trung district to adhere to the supervision mechanisms and programs. Appropriate implementation is vital to fulfill the new political tasks set by the 2013 constitution for the Vietnam Fatherland Front.”

Mr. Nhan asked the party committee of Hanoi and Hai Ba Trung district to show concern for national unity building.

