Heavy rains and floods across Asia

(VOVworld) - Heavy rains in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, and China have resulted in floods and landslides, causing hundreds of fatalities and widespread destruction.

Heavy rains and floods across Asia  - ảnh 1

In India, more than 120 people were killed and more than 1 million people are estimated to have been affected.  Heavy monsoon rains left at least 46 people dead and affected more than 200,000 others in 12 of Myanmar's 14 states. The death toll from flash floods triggered by seasonal monsoon rains in Pakistan has risen to 116 and floodwater has inundated vast areas, affecting more than 800 thousand people. Landslides in Nepal and Vietnam have killed dozens of people.  Flooding caused by heavy rainfall swept away 15 tourists in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on Monday. Two are already confirmed dead and only one has reportedly been rescued.

