ICAMV urges China to respect signed agreements

(VOVworld) - The Mexico-Vietnam Cooperation and Friendship Institute (ICAMV) has called on China to fully commit to agreements it signed with Vietnam and international organisations, in order to settle the East Sea dispute peacefully.

ICAMV urges China to respect signed agreements - ảnh 1

In an open letter sent to the Vietnamese Embassy in Mexico, the Institute asked the Chinese Government to withdraw the Haiyang 981 oil rig and escort ships out of Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf and end its provocative acts, so as to restore mutual understanding between the two countries. The Institute proposed that the Mexican Government, especially Secretary of Foreign Affairs Juan Antonia Meade, send a diplomatic note to China, highlighting the provisions of international agreements asserting the national sovereignty of coastal regions. The Institute also called on civil Mexican organizations and individuals to take part in a campaign “for the peace and sovereignty of Vietnam”.

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