Improving living conditions for ethnic minorities

Improving living conditions for ethnic minorities  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – The National Assembly Standing Committee’s 36th session continued on Friday with a Q&A session with Minister and Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Giang Seo Phu, regarding the implementation of Program 135 on improving socio-economic development in extremely poor communes among ethnic minority and mountain regions.

Minister Giang Seo Phu said the Program had achieved important results which have been internationally recognized. Based on that initial success, the Prime Minister has extended the Program until 2020. Minister Phu talked about measures to avoid wastefulness of resources and policy overlaps, as there are several poverty reduction programs being implemented at the same time: "It’s necessary to change the way we devise a poverty reduction program to avoid overlapping, and increase efficiency.  We’ve proposed the government allow our Committee to divide the program into national target programs reserved for ethnic minority areas, as part of a mid-term plan during the period 2016-2020. We hope that a full understanding of the issue from central to grassroots levels will better support ethnic people nationwide."

The allocation of production land and housing for ethnic minority groups was also raised at the session. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam said last year the Ministry spent nearly 26 million USD to support ethnic people on seedlings, tools, and building agricultural models. The Ministry has asked state-owned agricultural farms and forests to rezone their land and allocate some areas to the local people to manage. Nam said: “We have to resolutely resolve people’s demand for production land. We have to rezone farm land and forests to build residential areas. Another measure is to integrate current land projects to ensure efficiency.”
The deputies also discussed vocational training for ethnic minority people and building infrastructure for production.

In the morning session, the deputies raised questions to Chief Judge of the Supreme People’s Court Truong Hoa Binh on resolving unjust verdicts in administrative procedural. Mr. Binh said the sector will consider new regulations to increase the role of lawyers and the court’s judicial rights. 

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung summarized two major tasks of the judicial sector including reducing the number of unjust trials and fine tuning laws and regulations relating to the 2013 Constitution. He called for the revision of ethnic policies and concentrated resources on socio-economic development in ethnic minority community.

The Q&A session was broadcast live nationwide.

