Incentives for renewable energy development to be introduced soon

(VOVWORLD) - At the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly on Thursday, deputies discussed solutions to soon improve mechanisms and policies to encourage the development of renewable and green energy.
Incentives for renewable energy development to be introduced soon - ảnh 1(Illustrative photo:

Tran Van Tuan, a National Assembly deputy for Tra Vinh Province, said: “Vietnam should pay special attention to and quickly implement incentives for offshore wind power. This is an extremely valuable resource that nature has bestowed on Vietnam. It will generate conditions for businesses, especially FDI businesses, to develop green production and produce “Make in Vietnam” goods for export while meeting strict environmental safety requirements of new generation Free Trade Agreements that Vietnam has signed. It’s expected to create a breakthrough in Vietnam’s international trade.”

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha emphasized Vietnam’s policies to promote renewable energy development. “We will focus on renewable energy and implement the Decree on Direct Power Purchase with large customers. The Prime Minister has requested to issue a Decree on rooftop power to encourage people to feed into the grid,” Mr. Ha said.

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