Industry, trade related issues debated at NA’s Q&A

(VOVWORLD) - The management, oversight and protection of consumers’ rights in online trading and solutions to boost exports were among issues raised by lawmakers at Tuesday’s Q&A session with Minister of Industry and Trade, Nguyen Hong Dien.
Industry, trade related issues debated at NA’s Q&A - ảnh 1Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien (Photo:

National Assembly deputies agreed that the rapid development of e-commerce in Vietnam at an average growth of 20-25% annually poses several challenges such as personal data security.

Minister Dien said that his ministry will work closely with the Ministry of Public Security to build a law on personal data protection and will  strengthen communications on new laws and encourage businesses, organizations, and individuals to develop rules for information security. E‑transaction floors will be asked to publicize policies on consumers’ personal data protection, he added.

High on the agenda were also the implementation of free trade agreements, ways to help businesses remove difficulties amid global fluctuations, and incentives to strengthen supporting and engineering industries to boost agricultural and rural development.

Minister Dien said communications will be strengthened to make associations and sectors better understand and effectively take advantage of FTAs.
"We will help businesses produce high quality products, diversify trade promotion activities, boost export via e‑commerce, negotiate and sign new agreements to open new markets, and provide information to help businesses cope with trade remedy law suits,” he said.

Mr. Dien emphasized that his ministry will complete an e‑commerce database and share it with relevant State agencies.

The Q&A session on trade and industry issues will continue on Wednesday.

