International community concerned over China’s illegal island construction in East Sea

(VOVworld) – Singapore has expressed its concern over China’s illegal island construction in the Spratly archipelago, which has increased tensions in the region. Singapore has recently allowed the US to deploy surveillance planes to increase security in the East Sea. The British Financial Times said on Monday that these planes are meant to cope with China’s increasing military presence in the East Sea. Commander of the US Pacific Fleet Scott Swift warned that international law in the East Sea is being threatened by the risk of using force to settle disputes. He urged China to bring disputes to the international court of arbitration.

International community concerned over China’s illegal island construction in East Sea - ảnh 1
US defense officials said on Monday that from now until the end of the year the US navy will not conduct more patrols near the artificial islands China illegally built in the East Sea. An anonymous official said the next patrol will likely take place in January next year.

