Iraq: 34 people killed in IS clashes in Anbar

(VOVworld) – Iraqi security forces on Monday continued clashes with Islamic State (IS) militants in the Iraqi province of Anbar, leaving a total of 34 people killed and 23 others injured.


Iraq: 34 people killed in IS clashes in Anbar - ảnh 1
Members of the Iraqi army and Shiite fighters launch a mortar toward Islamic State militants on the outskirts of Falluja, Iraq, May 19, 2015 (Photo: Reuters)

Clashes erupted in Husseinbah al-Sharqiyah, east of Ramadi, killing 6 Iraqi security officers and 11 IS militants.
Meanwhile, 7 policemen were also killed and 4 others injured in a clash with IS militants in Abu Flies, 110 kilometres west of Baghdad. Iraq’s air strikes and mortar shells fired by the IS killed 10 people and injured 19 others in the town of Khaldiyah, the city of Fallujah, and Ameriyat al-Fallujah. 
British Defence Minister Michael Fallon has arrived in Baghdad to discuss the fight against IS with Iraqi leaders. He said that the UK was ready to support Iraq in the fight, reiterating that the fight against terrorism was an international one.

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