Israeli PM committed to peace progress in Middle East

(VOVworld) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with US President Barack Obama on Monday at the White House.

Israeli PM committed to peace progress in Middle East - ảnh 1
President Obama acknowledged their differences over the nuclear deal with Iran, but said Israel’s security remains a top priority of Washington’s foreign policy (

President Obama acknowledged their differences over the nuclear deal with Iran, but said Israel’s security remains a top priority of Washington’s foreign policy. He also expressed his concern about escalating tensions in the Mideast, saying he wants to discuss the possibility of resuming peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said he has not given up his hope for peace, adding that he is committed to a vision of peace with two states for two peoples, one of them a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state. Obama and Netanyahu also discussed a new 10-year agreement on US military aid to Israel, in which Israel hopes to increase US military aid to 5 billion USD a year. Both sides hope to reach an agreement to deliver modern fighter jets and more accurate weapons. 

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