Japan power plants apply to restart 10 reactors

Japan power plants apply to restart 10 reactors - ảnh 1

Japan relied heavily on nuclear power for its energy supply before the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Photo: Reuters

Japanese power plants on Monday applied to restart 10 reactors, potentially paving the way for a widespread return to nuclear power two years after the Fukushima disaster. Five companies submitted applications to Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) for re-evaluation of their reactors. The same day, a new code of conduct on strengthening operations management of nuclear operators took effect. It will take several months to review each reactor. But according to observers, it could lead to restoration of nuclear power in Japan. If approved, the nuclear operators also need the agreement of local and state politicians of 10 reactors waiting for approval, 3 belong to Hokkaido Electric, and the others belong to 4 nuclear plants in West Japan. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has not submitted an application to evaluate the safety of two out of seven reactors at the biggest nuclear plant, Kashiwazaki Kariwa. TEPCO currently manages the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant.

