Japanese cabinet approves decision to ease sanctions on DPRK

(VOVworld) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government has approved a decision to lift some of its sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Japanese cabinet approves decision to ease sanctions on DPRK - ảnh 1
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Photo: AFP)

The approval came one day after Pyongyang fully cooperated with Japan to resolve the issue of a dozen Japanese abducted by DPRK agents in the 1970s and 80s. According to an agreement reached by the two sides in May, Pyongyang would establish a committee to investigate issues related to Japanese citizens who were abducted and considered to be missing. In exchange, Tokyo would ease sanctions on Pyongyang including loosening requirements on money transfer and enabling some North Korea’s ships to dock at Japan for humanitarian purposes.

