Japanese media and public praise the significance of Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Japan

(VOVworld) - Following the recent visit by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to Japan, Japanese media and public continue to express their optimism about bilateral ties.

Japanese media and public praise the significance of Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to Japan - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong at the opening of the Vietnamese festival at Kanagawa

Kanagawa prefecture governor Koiruwa Yuji, who founded the local Vietnamese festival, said he was pleased to have welcomed the Party leader in this hometown. A member of the Japan Vietnam Friendship Association, Mr Otani said the Party leader’s speech in a meeting with Japanese from different walks of life was impressive.
Sankei newspaper wrote that talks between the Party leader and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe showed bilateral commitment on agricultural and energy cooperation as well as early completion of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement.
Mainichi and Yomiuri newspapers highlighted Japanese support to Vietnam’s social economic development and hoped that bilateral ties will further develop following the visit.

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