Japan's Defense White Paper expresses deep concern at China’s maritime strategy

(VOVworld) - Japan's Defense White Paper, which was announced at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday, expressed "deep concern" over China's maritime strategy.
Japan's Defense White Paper expresses deep concern at China’s maritime strategy - ảnh 1
Japan's Defense Minister Gen Nakatani speaks at a conference in Tokyo on July 22.
(Photo: Kyodo/VNA)

It strongly condemned China’s unilateral acts which have heightened tensions in Japan’s waters, notably when Chinese warship for the first time ever entered the contiguous zone of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in June. The paper said Japan needs to pay due attention to China’s increasing provocations in the area and that China’s unilateral acts have worsened the situation and posed greater threats. Japan warned that "unintended consequences" could result from Beijing's assertive disregard of international rules.

The paper reaffirmed Japan’s sovereignty over Takeshima island, which South Korea claimed as its Dokdo island. It also raised other security challenges to Japan, including North Korea’s missile and nuclear capacity and a revival of Russian military strength in the Far East.

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