Khmer ethnic people celebrate Sen Dolta Festival

(VOVworld) – Representatives from Can Tho city’s Party Municipal Committee, People’s Council and Vietnam Fatherland Front visited and congratulated monks and nuns at Pi Tu Kho Sa Rang Say pagoda in Can Tho on the occasion of Sen Dolta Festival on Friday.

Khmer ethnic people celebrate Sen Dolta Festival  - ảnh 1
Respresentatives from the Steering Committee of the Southwest region presented gifts to monks and nuns on the occasion of Sen Dolta Festival (Souce: VOV)

On the same day, leaders of the Southern province of Hau Giang visited Khmer pagodas in the province on this occasion. At Ochumpruksa pagoda in Vi Thuy district, Vice Chairman of Hau Giang province’s People Committee Tran Thanh Lap visited and offered gifts to monks, nuns and Khmer people in the area. Earlier, the Steering Board of the Southwestern region paid visit to Boraysaraychum in Long My, Ochumvongsa pagoda and Sasanarangsay pagoda in Vi Thanh city. 

