More countries to provide aid to Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - Germany on Saturday announced 2.7 billion euro (3.0 billion USD) of military aid to Ukraine.
More countries to provide aid to Ukraine - ảnh 1Ukrainian soldiers get training on operating tanks in Germany. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

The package will include 30 Leopard 1 tanks, 15 Gepard anti-aircraft tanks, over 200 reconnaissance drones and four Iris-T anti-aircraft systems, according to a defence ministry statement.

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius said the weapons package demonstrated Germany’s wish for a speedy end of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Estonia has called on Germany, France, and Italy to provide more financial support for Ukraine. Speaking on the sidelines of the European Union Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Sweden, Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said that the 1% of GDP of each country should be a joint goal.

On Saturday, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting of the G7 in Niigata, Japan, adopted a joint statement, increasing the commitment of budget and economic support for Ukraine for 2023 and early 2024 to 44 billion USD.

These supports will give Ukrainia certainty and enable its authorities to safeguard the functioning of government, continue the delivery of basic services, carry out the most critical repairs of damaged infrastructure, and stabilize the economy.    

