NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung attends National Unity Festival

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung attends National Unity Festival - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- National Assembly’s Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on Monday attended the National Unity Festival in Tran Hung Dao ward, Hoan Kiem district in Hanoi. In his address, Mr. Hung highlighted the significance of the national unity campaign launched by the Fatherland Front 17 years ago. Mr. Hung said that the campaign has encouraged people of all social strata unite to promote the cultural lifestyle. "I hope that local people in this ward will unite to develop a cultural lifestyle. This movement is in response to President Ho Chi Minh teaching to promote national solidarity", said Mr. Hung.

On the occasion, the National Assembly Chairman presented gifts to outstanding people in the movement “Unite to develop a cultural lifestyle in residential area” and to disadvantaged people.

