NA debates draft laws on border defense, guest workers

(VOVWORLD) - NA deputies on Thursday discussed the draft law on border defence. 
NA debates draft laws on border defense, guest workers - ảnh 1

The law is of great importance because over the past few years the Vietnamese party and State have issued several policies for defence of national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and border security. The draft law aimed to develop the people’s armed forces, particularly the border guards into key forces to defend and manage national borders. The National Assembly’s Committee for National Defense and Security agreed on the need to issue the Vietnam Law on Border Defense but stressed the need to clarify the objective of the law, collect more opinions, consider international treaties, and acquire more legal information and experience from other countries. The draft law will be further discussed at the plenary session on June 12.

The same day, Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung submitted the draft on the Vietnamese guest workers.  Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Judicial Affairs Le Thi Nga delivered a report on revising the Law on Judicial Expertise.

