NA Vice Chairman visits Spain’s Barcelona

(VOVWORLD) -Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man on Friday arrived in Barcelona city as part of his working visit to Spain. 
NA Vice Chairman visits Spain’s Barcelona - ảnh 1Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Spain Enrique Fernando Santiago Romero. Photo: VOV

He was received by Felip Roca Blasco, Secretary General in charge of International Cooperation of Barcelona, who emphasized that Barcelona, as an open and dynamic city, wants to seek cooperation opportunities with localities of Vietnam, especially with Ho Chi Minh City.

Man affirmed that Vietnam is always open and creating a favorable investment environment for foreign businesses, including Spanish businesses. He suggested that the Secretary-General and the city leaders create favorable conditions and contribute to promoting trade relations between the two cities in particular and strengthen the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Spain for the shared interests of the two peoples.

At the meeting with Vice Chairman Man, Pau Guardans Cambo, Honorary Consul of Vietnam in Barcelona, said he would continue to promote his role and reputation to boost cooperation in trade, investment, culture, education, and tourism between the city of Barcelona and the Catalonia region and Vietnam.

Man also visited the deep sea port of Barcelona and met the Vietnamese community there.

On Saturday, NA Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man and the high-ranking delegation of the National Assembly of Vietnam departed for home, ending their working visit to Spain.

