National Assembly Chairman receives Republic of Korean leaders

National Assembly Chairman receives Republic of Korean leaders - ảnh 1
NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung receives Samsung Group leader
(VOVworld) – Visiting National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on Monday met leaders of the Republic of Korea’s (RoK) leading economic groups. Hung said Vietnam always supports and creates favorable conditions for RoK investors. He stressed that administrative procedures for investors will be loosened by Vietnam’s government, National Assembly, ministries, and industries. He praised Samsung Group’s prestige and its investment in Vietnam. Hung said the Korean investors contribute not only to economic development, but also to strategic cooperation between the two countries.

National Assembly Chairman receives Republic of Korean leaders - ảnh 2
NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung receives the RoK-Vietnam Friendship Association leader

The same day, Hung met with leaders of the RoK – Vietnam Friendship Association. He praised the association’s contributions to maintaining and developing multifaceted cooperation between the two countries. He spoke highly of the association’s significant activities such as donating money to the Vietnamese People Association, the Vietnamese Student Association, and the Association of Vietnamese Migrant Brides which have helped improve Vietnamese people’s lives in RoK.

