National Assembly discusses 1992 Constitutional revisions

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies on Monday discussed the 1992 Constitutional revisions at their on going 5th session in Hanoi. High on the agenda were the name of the country, the leadership role of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the economic system and the organization of local administrations. Many believed that the current 4-level administration system was appropriate. Regarding the pilot model of an administration that wouldn’t have the People’s Councils at district and ward levels in Da Nang city, deputy Huynh Nghia, representing  Da Nang city, said: “If we remove the People’s Council, who will represent the people in exercising their rights to control, and who will supervise the People’s Councils and the district administrations? Some people say the provincial People’s Council, the deputies of the National Assembly and the provincial People’s Council can. But this is unrealistic”.

Deputy Tran Du Lich from Ho Chi Minh City said an administration should have an agency elected by and representing the people. In Vietnam, the system of local administration should be organized at 2 levels: the provincial and grassroots: “I suggest this model: the local administration undertakes 2 functions: as an executive and as a representative of the local community, who can settle local issues without affecting national interests. These 2 functions are inter-related and appropriate to our regime”.

In Monday’s discussion, deputies reached a consensus on maintaining the name of the country, the leadership role of Party towards the State and society, as well as underlining that Vietnam’s economy was a multi-sectoral one.

National Assembly discusses 1992 Constitutional revisions  - ảnh 1
Deputy Nguyen Van Tuyet, representing Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, at the discussion

