NATO activates Article 4 amid fears of Russia’s attack on Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - Poland, Estonia, and Latvia have triggered NATO Article 4 to launch consultations within the alliance amid fears of security concerns. 
NATO activates Article 4 amid fears of Russia’s attack on Ukraine - ảnh 1A military convoy on the outskirts of Donetsk (photo: Reuters)

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that Russia's attack on Ukraine represents "a threat to the whole of Europe". He said NATO consultations on strengthening the alliance's security must be initiated in order to take additional measures to ensure the defense capabilities of NATO allies.

The same day Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko confirmed that the Belarusian military will not take part in any special operation conducted by the Russian military in Ukraine.

Speaking at the UN Security Council's emergency session on Ukraine on Thursday, China's representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said that he believed the door to a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian issue is not completely closed and should not be closed. China will continue to advocate peace and negotiation by its way. European Commission (EC) President Ursula von der Leyen said that the EU will take the heaviest sanctions in response to Russia's attack on Ukraine, and the sanctions will be approved today.

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