Niger puts the army on alert

(VOVWORLD) - The military government of Niger on Friday put its armed forces on alert and at the same time deploying additional personnel and weapons to the capital of Niamey to be ready to deal with the possibility of military intervention from neighboring West African countries. 
Niger puts the army on alert - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Reuters)

The alarm came just hours after the leaders of the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) issued a statement, affirming that all possibilities to restore constitutional order in Niger, including military measures, are opened.

The defense chiefs of West African nations are scheduled to hold an extraordinary meeting in Ghana next week to discuss a military intervention plan in Niger. Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara pledged to send 850 - 1,100 soldiers to participate in the operation. The Ivory Coast leader said Nigeria and Benin pledged to contribute troops to join the military intervention force in Niger, but did not give specific numbers.

On July 26, the Niger’s army overthrew the government of President Mohamed Bazoum, who is said to have been detained since July 19. Two days later, General Abdourahamane Tchiani claimed power in a strong response from Europe and ECOWAS.

On the same day, thousands of junta supporters gathered outside a French military base in the capital, Niamey, to protest against a planned foreign military intervention in the country. The protesters carried banners and slogans condemning ECOWAS and France, affirming to stand together against any plot to invade the country.

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