North Korea confirms recent firings of two tactical guided missiles

(VOVWORLD) - North Korea fired tactical guided missiles on Monday, state media KCNA said Tuesday, the latest in a series of recent tests of North Korea’s evolving missile program amid stalled denuclearization talks.

North Korea said Tuesday it test-fired two tactical guided missiles, which are short-range ballistic missiles, and claimed they hit their target in the sea. The test was designed to verify the accuracy of the weapon system, according to KCNA.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed that North Korea had conducted its fourth missile test of the year on Monday, firing two projectiles into the ocean off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula.  

Japan’s Prime Minister Kishida Fumio asked government officials to provide the public with accurate and timely information about North Korean missile launches, monitor the safety of ships and aircraft, and respond quickly to unexpected actions.

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