Orlando massacre drives changes in gun control

(VOVworld)- US President Barack Obama has renewed his call for gun control legislation after a series of emotional private meetings in Orlando with the families of victims of the worst mass shooting in American history.
Orlando massacre drives changes in gun control - ảnh 1
US President Barack Obama renews his call for gun control

Speaking to families of victims on Thursday, President Obama said the massacre at a Florida nightclub has given fresh impetus to seek legislation that would prevent suspected terrorists buying weapons and expanding background checks on people buying guns. Obama said that it’s time for the lawmakers to change their ways of discussing gun control, which was promoted by Obama’s administration but got stuck in the US Congress. The same day, the US Senate agreed to vote on limited gun control measures next week.

In related news, the Central Intelligence Agency chief John Brennan told the Senate intelligence committee Thursday that the CIA has no evidence of a connection between Omar Mateen and the Islamic State.  But, he said, lone wolf attackers who are inspired by but not under the direct control of terror groups represent "an exceptionally challenging issue for the intelligence community.

