Overseas Vietnamese interested in 1992 Constitution revisions

Overseas Vietnamese interested in 1992 Constitution revisions  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese Foreign Ministry has been collecting Overseas Vietnamese’s comments on the revised 1992 Constitution. Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said that the ministry has cooperated with the Vietnam Fatherland Front to develop guidance for the collection of Overseas Vietnamese’ comments on any amendment. So far, the ministry has received a large number of comments from abroad. Mr. Vinh says: "Many overseas Vietnamese, especially those who have returned to the homeland and have family and business affairs in Vietnam are very interested in this issue. They are most interested in resolution 36 of the Politburo, which considers them a part of the nation. They have contributed their opinions regarding ensuring equal rights for all Vietnamese citizens inside and outside the country. Scientists and experts are more interested in macro issues".

