Paris gas leak blast kills 3

(VOVWORLD) - An explosion rocked a Paris bakery on Rue de Trevise on Saturday, killing two firefighters and a Spanish tourist. At least 47 people were injured, 10 seriously, by the blast which also badly damaged the building and apartments and property of nearby people.

Paris gas leak blast kills 3 - ảnh 1 Firefighters transfer injured people out of the blast site. (Photo: AFP/VNA)

An emergency investigation is being conducted into the cause of the incident. A gas leak had been reported in the building before the blaze and firefighters had been on their way to deal with it when the explosion occurred.

The Vietnamese Embassy in France said none of the victims holds Vietnamese nationality. The Embassy is closely watching the incident and working with related French agencies to get updated information and promptly carry out citizen protection measures if necessary.

Vietnamese in France who need support or have information about any affected fellow countrymen are advised to contact the Embassy via phone (+33-01-44146400) or email ( or call the citizen protection hotline (+84-981848484).

