Party General Secretary works with Lai Chau provincial Party organization

(VOVworld) - Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong has encouraged Lai Chau provincial Party cell to fulfill its set target of lifting the province out of the less development status by 2015.

Party General Secretary works with Lai Chau provincial Party organization - ảnh 1

Speaking at a working session with the provincial leaders on Tuesday, Trong said that the Party Secretariat applauded the Party organization’s objective on provincial development while unleashing local potential: “The Party Secretariat agreed that Lai Chau should promote investment and facilitating rapid and sustainable growth. Infrastructure development should be promoted, especially an express way connecting  Ha Noi, Lao Cai and Lai Chau. The province should fully tap local potential in border trade while maintaining friendship and security. The Party Secretariat wants the province to improve its human capacity, especially leaders and managers among ethnic groups.”

The Party leader urged Lai Chau to foster cultural identities among ethnic minorities while promoting the implementation of Party resolutions and directive on Party building and learning from President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.  

