Party leader Le Hong Anh works with Ha Tinh province

(VOVworld) - Le Hong Anh, a member of the Party’s Politburo and Party Central Committee’s Secretariat, has asked the central province of Ha Tinh to focus on its new rural building program. During a working session with provincial leaders on Thursday, Anh suggested that locals apply advanced technology and restructure their production, processing, and distribution for greater benefit. He urged the provincial Party Committee to continue implementing Resolution 4 on urgent issues in Party building and promote the campaign of Studying and Following President Ho Chi Minh's Moral Example with the emphasis given to cadres’ responsibility as role models. Earlier the delegation worked with Ky Anh district and visited the Vung Ang economic zone.

Party leader Le Hong Anh works with Ha Tinh province - ảnh 1
Anh chairs a working session with Ky Anh district's leaders(Photo:

