PM appoints Dao Hong Lan as acting Minister of Health

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday handed over the decision to appoint Dao Hong Lan, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Bac Ninh provincial Party Committee, and head of the province’s National Assembly deputies' delegation as acting Minister of Health.
PM appoints Dao Hong Lan as acting Minister of Health - ảnh 1PM Pham Minh Chinh hands over the decision to appoint Dao Hong Lan as Acting Minister of Health, July 15. (Photo: VNA)

PM Chinh congratulated Lan on her appointment and said that with good capacity, she has held many positions at both grassroots and central levels and excellently fulfilled assigned duties. He added the appointment reflects the Party and State leaders’ trust in and expectation from her.
He said he believes that Lan will continue bringing into play her capacity to join hands with other leaders of the Health Ministry and the entire sector’s staff to make unceasing efforts to surmount difficulties and fulfill all tasks assigned by the Party, State and people.

