PM asks for development of professional, modern, humanitarian revolutionary press

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Tuesday highlighted the need to further develop a contingent of highly-qualified journalists and a professional, modern and humanitarian Vietnamese revolutionary press, for the interest of the nation and the people’s contentment. 
PM asks for development of professional, modern, humanitarian revolutionary press - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh speaks at a  meeting with the Vietnam Journalists' Association on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day (Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac)

At a meeting with the Vietnam Journalists’ Association to mark the 98th anniversary of Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, the Prime Minister underlined the significant role of the Association and hailed its contributions to the success of the national revolution and the strengthening of social consensus since its establishment.

Pointing to challenges to information and communications activities in the coming time, PM Chinh said the Association and press agencies need to focus on raising the political mettle and professional skills of journalists, thus better serving the nation and its people. It is necessary to build a culture for journalism activities, ensuring that the press always accompanies the nation and serves as a sharp tool for the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation and national interests, he said.

He pointed to the need for the press to honour core values of the nation and the strength of the great national solidarity bloc as well as the great creativity of Vietnamese people, while encouraging the innovation and startup campaign as well as the development of a green, digital and circular economy.

