President receives Governor of South Australia state

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam always attaches great importance to promoting the strategic partnership with Australia, an important development partner of Vietnam in the South Pacific and also a comprehensive strategic partner of ASEAN, said President Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

President receives Governor of South Australia state - ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc receives Governor of South Australia state Frances Adamson. Photo: VOV

During his reception on Wednesday  for visiting Governor of South Australia state Frances Adamson, President Phuc asked the state to expand collaboration with other localities and consider the opening of a trade and investment office.

He expected that the Australian government will create favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community living there so that they can make greater contributions to socio-economic development and people-to-people exchanges between the two nations.

The governor affirmed her state’s willingness to collaborate with Vietnamese localities in carrying out activities regarding environmental protection and climate change adaptation.

