President stresses importance of reviewing 40-year renewal in Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -President To Lam on Wednesday called the review of theoretical and practical issues on the socialist-oriented Doi Moi (renewal) process over the past 40 years in Vietnam a task crucial to national construction and development on the path of socialism.

President stresses importance of reviewing 40-year renewal in Vietnam - ảnh 1

The President addressed the 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee for reviewing theoretical and practical issues related to Vietnam's 40-year socialist-oriented Doi Moi (renewal) process on Wednesday in Hanoi.

According to President To Lam, the review helps clearly point out lessons learned and is significant for national renewal, construction, development, and defense in the new period. He urged the Steering Committee to continue to pool wisdom of experts, experienced leaders and managers, and people from all walks of life for the review work.

“I suggest that based on the summary results of eight contents, the Outline has also received guidance and comments from the Politburo at the recent 9th meeting of the Party Central Committee. We continue to study and synthesize to make a more general, accurate, and complete assessment of how the global, regional, and domestic contexts have been impacting the 40-year renewal process," President To Lam said. 

