President Truong Tan Sang visits Lai Chau province

President Truong Tan Sang visits Lai Chau province - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- President Truong Tan Sang on Saturday visited Lai Chau province. Addressing the inauguration ceremony of Nguyen Huu Tho Primary School in Muong Te commune, the President highlighted late lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho’s great contributions to the Vietnamese revolution. Lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho was Chairman of the National Liberation Front, a patriotic intellectual and politician. President Sang says: “Lawyer Nguyen Huu Tho set a bright example in fine personality and tireless contributions to national independence, socialism and people’s happiness. The inauguration of the memorial house- the primary school named after Nguyen Huu Tho reflects our gratitude to him. It will also help educate patriotism for younger generations”.

Earlier, the State President inspected the construction of Lai Chau hydro- power plant.

