Promoting national unity in the new era

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Fatherland Front and Nhan Dan newspaper co-hosted a symposium on promoting national unity in the new era on Monday.

Promoting national unity in the new era - ảnh 1

Presentations at the symposium confirmed that national unity is a great treasure of the Party and nation which has been reinforced through the generations. Patriotism, humanity, tolerance, and mutual support have been promoted to enhance the close bond among ethnic groups in Vietnam. The Fatherland Front and its member organizations have launched several patriotic emulation movements to rally the public.
Tran Hau, former Editor-in-chief of the Fatherland Front’s Magazine, said: "The Front’s tasks to reinforce national unity in the new era should take into consideration various issues. The Front’s functions are not only to communicate and mobilize people to engage in movements but also to conduct social supervision and criticism."
Delegates agreed that strengthening national unity requires a reform of the Party’s leadership and coordination between the State and the Front.

