Putin criticizes sending arms to opposition forces

Russian President Vladimir Putin has defended his country’s arms deals with Syria, saying that the West should not be sending arms to the opposition forces. Putin’s statement was released after the Free Syrian Army (FSA) confirmed of having received weapons which could change the course of the battle against the Syrian regime.

Putin criticizes sending arms to opposition forces - ảnh 1
In another development, according to the UN Human Rights Investigation Committee  on Syria, there is still no conclusion about the using of chemical weapon in Syria. Paulo Pinheiro, chairman of the committee, said he would not comment on evidence, including multiple blood, tissue and soil samples, that the US, Britain and France have sent to the UN about the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria. An UN expert group said they need to be in Syria to locate exactly where the chemical weapon was used, meanwhile, the Syrian government still doesn’t permit UN experts to enter Syria.

