Revised Support Program on Climate Change Response adopted

Revised Support Program on Climate Change Response adopted - ảnh 1
Mangrove afforestation in Quang Ninh province (Photo: VNA)

(VOVworld) – The Prime Minister has approved the amendment of the Support Program to Respond to Climate Change which will continue to be implemented until 2020.

Most of the funding for the program will be sourced from the official development assistance package, preferential loans,  or non-refundable ODA from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the French Development Agency (AFD), the World Bank, the Australian Government, and the Republic of Korea’s Eximbank.

The program aims to support the realization of a national strategy on climate change, the strategy on green growth, and the strategies of the economic sectors relating to climate change. It will also aid Vietnam’s policy framework, science and technology, and muster financial resources to improve Vietnam’s capacity to respond to climate change.

The program will focus on measures to increase the capacity to respond to natural calamities, ensure water and food security, deal with the rising sea level in flood-prone areas, and develop afforestation toward sustainable growth and bio-diversity conservation.


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