Roundtable talk on East Sea issue in India

(VOVworld) – A roundtable talk on the East Sea issue took place in New Delhi, India on Friday drawing international scholars, experts, the Filipino Ambassador, Thai minister plenipotentiary, and representatives of diplomatic corps to the event. Vietnamese Ambassador Ton Sinh Thanh attended the talk.

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At the roundtable talk. (Photo: Dang Chinh)

Most participants said the ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague is of historic significance when invalidating China’s “nine-dash” claim to a large swath of the East Sea.

Several scholars said the PCA’s verdict should be respected and strictly complied with by parties concerned because it respects the law-abiding principle in seas and oceans and resolve future maritime disputes pursuant to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

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Vietnamese Ambassador Ton Sinh Thanh (left) at the conference. (Photo: Dang Chinh)

Ambassador Thanh said Vietnam welcomes the PCA’s ruling and strongly supports the settlement of disputes in the East Sea through peaceful means, without using or threatening to use armed violence in line with international law including the UNCLOS to maintain regional peace, stability, security, and navigation and aviation freedom in the East Sea.

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