Salary reform, citizen ID discussed at NA's Q&A session

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly continued its Q&A session on Tuesday, focusing on justice, internal affairs, security, social order and safety, inspection, court, procuracy, and auditing.

Salary reform, citizen ID discussed at NA's Q&A session  - ảnh 1Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra (Photo:

Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra says the Ministry has finalized its roster of job positions and is committed to comprehensively matching salary payments to specific job positions in the State apparatus.

Ms. Tra said: "To align salary payments with the salary reform policy, the Ministry will advise the Government and the Steering Committee on Job Positions, to assist the National Assembly's deliberation on roadmap for salary reform."

Minister of Public Security To Lam said the Ministry completed a plan to determine every citizen’s identification code. For specific demographics, such as mixed-race children, stateless individuals, and individuals lacking documentation, the Ministry will conduct evaluations for identification purposes.

The same day, NA deputies questioned cabinet members about industry, trade, agriculture, rural development, transportation, construction, natural resources, and the environment.

Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien reported that Vietnam's e-commerce revenue was 16-19 billion USD this year, growing at a remarkable 20-25% annually, making it one of the world's fastest-growing sectors. E-commerce challenges have prompted the Ministry to enhance oversight, network monitoring, counterfeit goods review, and data sharing.

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