Singapore is a Vietnam’s trustworthy partner

(VOVworld) – Vietnam will cooperate closely with Singapore to develop bilateral relations in a deep, practical manner and contribute to building the ASEAN Community.

Singapore is a Vietnam’s trustworthy partner  - ảnh 1
Singaporean National Assembly Chairwoman Halima Yacob and Member of the Politburo and President of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan
(Photo: VGP/Tu Luong)

While receiving Singaporean National Assembly Chairwoman Halima Yacob on Friday in Hanoi, Nguyen Thien Nhan, Member of the Politburo and President of Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee (VFF) said Singapore is a trustworthy partner of Vietnam in terms of cooperation in economic development, technical assistance and human resource training. The VFF President also expressed their deepest condolences to the Singaporean government and people over the death of former Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

On the same day, National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan received Ms. Halima Yacob. She said her visit helped to foster the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Singapore. Ms. Halima Yacob congratulated Vietnam for successfully organizing the IPU 132.

