Spring comes to flood ravaged Quang Ngai province

(VOVworld) – 2 months after a historic flood in the central province of Quang Ngai, the local people have recovered enough to prepare for the Lunar New Year.

Spring comes to flood ravaged Quang Ngai province - ảnh 1
Poor people in Quang Ngai province are presented with Tet gifts (Photo: danviet.vn)

The new year excitement can be felt in the small lanes in Hanh Tin Tay commune, Nghia Hanh district. Cao Dieu is a local resident: "We are cleaning our surroundings in preparation for Tet. This year, we will have a happy Tet, thanks to generous support from the authorities at all levels". 

Truong Trung’s house in Phu Khuong commune, was swept away in the historic flood last November. Thanks to the support of the government and his neighbors, he has a new house to welcome Tet.

Nguyen Minh Tam, Chairman of Hanh Tin Tay commune’s People’s Committee, said rice was already delivered to the local people for Tet: "Though  there are still many difficulties, we are trying to create the best possible conditions for the people to have a happy Tet". 

