Support for fishermen in Hoang Sa, Truong Sa archipelagos

Support for fishermen in Hoang Sa, Truong Sa archipelagos - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Confederation of Labor held a meeting on Friday to review its programs supporting fishermen on Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos. Over the past year, the programs helped fishermen stabilize their lives and contributed to defending Vietnam’s sea and island. Nguyen Van Ngang is Vice President of the Vietnam Confederation of Labor: “We will continue mobilizing support for our programs to build a Memorial Monument for Gac Ma soldiers in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa and to assist fishing business associations who are helping fishermen”.

As of this month, the two programs of the Vietnam Confederation of Labor had raised more than 143 billion VND to build or repair ships for fishermen and assist marine and surveillance police and their families.


