Tensions with Saudi Arabia worsen ties between Iran and other countries

(VOVworld) – Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia were strained after Saudi Arabia executed Shiite cleric Nirm al-Nirm and 46 others on terrorism charges.

Tensions with Saudi Arabia worsen ties between Iran and other countries - ảnh 1
Smoke rises as Iranian protesters set fire to the Saudi embassy in Tehran on Sunday [Mohammadreza Nadimi/ISNA via AP]

The execution led to a series of protests in Shiite majority nations. On Wednesday, Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian warned that Tehran's diplomatic row with Riyadh will affect the Syrian peace talks but affirmed Tehran’s commitment to the peace progress. Saudi Arabia earlier said that the tense diplomatic ties would not affect the peace efforts in Syria and Yemen and it will attend a meeting on Syria later this month. Also on Wednesday, Irani Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari offered to mediate talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran to resolve their diplomatic tension.

Jordan summoned the Iranian ambassador in Amman and condemned recent attacks on the Saudi embassy in Tehran. He said the attack is a stark violation of all norms and international law. He also voiced Jordan's rejection of Iran's interference in Arab affairs and the domestic affairs of Saudi Arabia, urging Iran to respect judicial rulings of the Kingdom.

Tensions with Saudi Arabia worsen ties between Iran and other countries - ảnh 2
Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia have spiralled since the execution of a Shi'ite cleric in Saudi Arabia (wetinhappen.com.ng)

Qatar recalled its ambassador to Tehran on Wednesday in response to the attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions last weekend.  Djibouti became the fourth country after Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Bahrain to cut ties with Iran.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani asked the judiciary to urgently prosecute the 50 suspects who attacked the Saudi embassy in Tehran. 

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